The Hotel La Antigua is located in the exclusive historical zone of the El Retiro, municipality east of the department of Antioquia –Colombia- is approximately 20 miles from Medellin city, and between this city and de municipalities of Rionegro and La Ceja. This region is architecturally the most traditional in their surroundings between country and city, with roads dual carriageway for a comfortable ride.

The International Airport José Maria Cordova is 12 miles from the Hotel (15 minutes away on car) and nearly of the hotel is many attractions such as the "Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario", "Capilla de Nuestra Señora del Socorro y San José", better known as "Capilla de San José" built in adobe clay, initially, its roof was made of straw (historical monument of the town), the "Salto del Tequendamita", "La Fe" Dam Park, the ecological "Parque Los Salados" and the Ecological Reserve "San Sebastian La Castellana", the "Hacienda Fizebad", among other places.